Conversion Factors. Please see the table below for relevant conversions.
To Convert | To | Multiply by |
Atmospheres | Bars | 1.01325 |
Pounds-force/sq in | 14.696 | |
Bars | Pounds-force/sq in | 14.5 |
Boiler Horsepower (BHP) | BTU/hr | 33,475 |
Kcal/hr | 8435.6 | |
Kw | 9.9805 | |
Horsepower (mech) | 13.155 | |
BTU | Cal, g | 251.996 |
Foot pound-force | 777.649 | |
Kg-force meters | 107.514 | |
Kw-Hours | 0.000292875 | |
BTU/Hr | Calorie, kg/gram | 0.5555 |
Foot pound-force/lb | 777.649 | |
Calories, g | BTU/hr | 0.003.971 |
Foot pound-force | 3.08596 | |
Gram-force cm | 42664.9 | |
Joules | 4.184 | |
Kg-force meters | 0.42665 | |
Centimeters | Inches | 0.3937 |
Cm of HG O deg C | Atmospheres | 0.01316 |
Bars | 0.01333 | |
pound-force/sq in | 0.1934 | |
Cu Centimeters | Cu ft | 3.51E-05 |
Cu inches | 0.06102 | |
Cu Feet | Cu centimeters | 28316.8 |
Cu meters | 0.02832 | |
Cu ft/pound | Cu cm/gram | 92.428 |
Cu ft/sec | Cu cm/sec | 28316.8 |
Liters/min | 1699.01 | |
Cu feet | Cu meters | 35.3147 |
Cu feet of water at 32 deg F | Pounds | 62.4 |
Degrees Centigrade | Degrees Farenheit | F = [C X (1/8)] + 32 |
Degrees Farenheit | Degrees Centigrade | C= (F-32) X 0.555 |
To Convert | To | Multiply by |
Dynes | Gram-force | 0.0010197 |
Joules/meter | 1.00E-06 | |
Pound force | 2.25E-06 | |
Feet | Centimeters | 30.48 |
Meters | 0.3048 | |
Gallons (Brit) | Gallons (US liq) | 1.2009 |
Liters/min | 4.546 | |
Gallons (US liq) | Gallons (Brit) | 0.83267 |
Gallons (US) of water at 60 deg F | Pounds | 8.337 |
Grains of hardness per gallon | Parts/million | 17.117 |
Inches of water at 39.2 deg F | Pound-force/sq in | 0.03613 |
Inches | Centimeters | 2.54 |
Kilograms | Pounds (avdp) | 2.2046 |
Kilogram-force/sq cm | Pounds-force/sq in | 14.223 |
Kilowatts | BTU/Hr | 3414.4 |
Liters | Cu cm | 1000 |
Cu feet | 0.03531 | |
Cubic inches | 61.0237 | |
Gallons (US liq) | 0.26417 | |
Meters | Feet | 3.28094 |
Inches | 39.3701 | |
Yards | 1.0936 | |
Parts/million | Grains/Gal (US liq) | 0.05842 |
Pound-force/sq in | Atmospheres | 0.06805 |
Bars | 0.06895 | |
Kg-force/sq cm | 0.07031 | |
Pounds of water at 32 deg F | Cu feet | 0.01602 |
Tons (metric) | Kilograms | 1000 |
Pounds (advp) | 2205 | |
Tonnes | Kilograms | 1000 |
Tons-refrigeration | BTU/hr | 12000 |
Watts | BTU/hr | 3.41214 |
Zoll (Switzerland) | Centimeters | 3 |
Clayton Steam Generators are available in many sizes and as portable steam boilers. Many are available as medium pressure steam boilers and high pressure steam boilers for sale. They come with several benefits above traditional water tube and fire tube boilers.